TSI Congress 2021 – Details

As in previous years, this year's TSI Congress will examine the events on the asset-based finance and securitisation markets with a view to this macroeconomic environment. On the one hand, the focus will be on how asset-based financing and securitisation will be affected by all this. On the other hand, there are many opportunities arising from new developments – such as sustainability regulation – which can have a very positive impact on asset-based forms of financing. This is already reflected in the fact that the Corona pandemic has accelerated numerous regulatory works, as we have already seen with synthetic or NPL securitisations. The topics in detail:

Die europäischen Kreditmärkte nach der Corona-Pandemie – welche Herausforderungen bringen Strukturwandel und Klimawende mit sich?

Keynote address

Die Rolle der europäischen Kapitalmärkte in der Finanzierung der digitalen und nachhaltigen Transformation Europas

Dr. Sabine Mauderer, member of the management board, Deutsche Bundesbank

Preparing for the new normal: Credit markets in challenging times
  • Corporate Special: Quo vadis Mittelstandsfinanzierung?  de 
  • Klimasteuerung durch Geldmarktpolitik? Welche Instrumente stehen der EZB zur Verfügung? de
Sustainability Special – The new European sustainability regulation
  • Investor Kick-off: The dawn of a new era – investor's view on asset based finance and securitisation   en
  • Overview of the EU regulation on sustainability transparency and its interaction with banking and capital market regulation en
  • Sustainability regulation and securitisation – asset class-specific and overarching implications en
  • Herausforderungen der Nachhaltigkeitsregulierung für die Real- und Finanzwirtschaft in der Praxis  de
  • Die neue EU-Nachhaltigkeitsregulierung – Eine ökologische und ökonomische Würdigung aus ordnungspolitischer Sicht  de
Securitisation, regulation and banking supervision – STS and capital management
  • New rules for STS in synthetic securitisation and for capital relief trades: opportunities for the capital management of banks  en
  • Implications of Sustainable Finance and further regulation issues on the evolution of the STS standard  en
  • European single access point (ESAP) – transparency and disclosure requirements and implications for the real economy  en
  • Potential divergence of regulatory regimes – EU and UK  en
  • Umsetzung der Transparenzanforderungen nach Art. 7 der Verbriefungsverordnung – eine kritische Bestandsaufnahme  de
Market talk – Securitisation asset class issues
  • Auto ABS – Significance of securitisation for an industry in upheaval  en
  • Market talk: Update on CLO and credit funds – growth drivers and implications for financial markets   en
  • Finanzierung digitaler Geschäftsmodelle – Die Zeichen der Zeit erkennen  de
  • Factoring & Verbriefung von Handelsforderungen: Working Capital Finanzierung für Unternehmen auf dem Weg aus der Krise?  d e
Securitisation and Asset Based Finance – Trends and outlook
  • General Review of the Securitisation Framework in 2022 – what can we expect?  en
  • Development of ABCP markets – does the framework allow for financing economic recovery?  en
  • Development of lending platforms through the crisis in turbulent times  en
  • Securitisation 2.0 – The next level in Luxembourg securitisations  en
  • NPL securitisation – Potential for a niche asset class?  en
  • Crypto Assets: Tokenisation 4.0: Securitisation reloaded? – How DLT may boost the securitisation market  en
  • Market Update Supply Chain Finance – Trends und Nutzen für die Realwirtschaft  de